12 research outputs found

    3D reconstruction of large scale city models as a support to Sustainable Development

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    International audienceNo part of the economic community can now escape from the urgent issues related to global warming, carbon footprint and reducing energy consumption. Nevertheless, the construction sector is particularly under pressure. Indeed, it is one of the biggest consumers of energy. It also largely contributes to the massive use of some critical resources (such as energy, water, materials and space...) and is responsible for a large portion of greenhouse gas emissions. In that context, the paper explores new approaches for urban planning by combining Virtual Environments and Simulations to address sustainability issues. These approaches are based on the possibilities of reconstructing 3D models of the built environment using standard photographs taken with off-the shelf hand-held digital cameras. The 3D models can then be combined with simulations in order to address sustainable urban development issues

    A conceptual framework for multi-modal interactive virtual workspaces

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    Construction projects involve a large number of both direct stakeholders (clients, professional teams, contractors, etc.) and indirect stakeholders (local authorities, residents, workers, etc.). Current methods of communicating building design information can lead to several types of difficulties (e.g. incomplete understanding of the planned construction, functional inefficiencies, inaccurate initial work or clashes between components, etc.). Integrated software solutions based on VR technologies can bring significant value improvement and cost reduction to the Construction Industry. The aim of this paper is to present research being carried out in the frame of the DIVERCITY project (Distributed Virtual Workspace for Enhancing Communication within the Construction Industry - IST project n°13365), funded under the European IST programme (Information Society Technologies). DIVERCITY's goal is to develop a Virtual Workspace that addresses three key building construction phases: (1) Client briefing (with detailed interaction between clients and architects); (2) Design Review (which requires detailed input from multidisciplinary teams - architects, engineers, facility managers, etc.); (3) Construction (aiming to fabricate or refurbish the building).Using a distributed architecture, the DIVERCITY system aims to support and enhance concurrent engineering practices for these three phases allowing teams based in different geographic locations to collaboratively design, test and validate shared virtual projects. The global DIVERCITY project will be presented in terms of objectives and the software architecture will be detailed.149-162Pubblicat

    Concepts et méthodes pour le développement d'environnements de simulation intelligents. Application au bâtiment

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    Numerical simulation is a powerful design and audit tool. But in the building industry, it is not as widely spread as in other industries (electronics, car industry, space industry...). Meanwhile, in building related research centers, various simulation codes have been developed. These codes are generally powerful on the numerical level and can cope with a large range of building related issues. Nevertheless, these codes lack some features in order to make their use simple and productive (user guidance, coherency check, share of data...). The aim of this work is to design an Intelligent Simulation Environment (ISE) taking advantage of both numerical performances of existing simulation codes and symbolic performances of knowledge based systems. The symbolic part of the ISE will act as a semantic server taking in charge operations on a high level of abstraction (sharing of data, reasoning strategies...) and controling the numerical part of the ISE which will act as a number cruncher. After a short presentation of the modelling/simulation/result analysis process and of the possible Human/Computer interactions, the components of the ISE are described using an object oriented formal specification method. A first application to the building field is then presented. This application is implemented within a knowledge modelling software platform developed in the CSTB and uses the Integrated Data Model resulting from the IDM task of the CEC project COMBINE.La simulation numérique est un outil d'aide à la conception et à l'audit encore peu utilisé dans le secteur du bâtiment par comparaison avec d'autres secteurs d'activité (électronique, espace, automobile...). Parallèlement, dans le milieu de la recherche connexe au bâtiment, des codes de simulation permettant de répondre à un ensemble de problèmes scientifiques et techniques ont été développés. Malgré leurs performances sur le plan numérique, ces codes manquent d'un certain nombre de fonctionnalités afin que leur utilisation soit simple et productive (assistance à l'utilisateur, vérification de la cohérence, échange de données...). Dans ce but, ce travail de recherche s'attache à la conception d'un Environnement de Simulation Intelligent (ESI) alliant les performances numériques des codes de simulation existants aux possibilités offertes par les systèmes à base de connaissances. Il s'agit de développer au sein de l'ESI une partie symbolique et une partie numérique : la partie symbolique agit alors comme un serveur sémantique qui d'une part supporte des opérations de haut niveau d'abstraction (partage de données entre différents codes de simulation, modélisation du raisonnement...) et, d'autre part, pilote la partie qui assure la résolution numérique du système étudié. Après une brève présentation du processus de modélisation/simulation/analyse des résultats et des modalités du dialogue Homme/Machine associées à l'utilisation des ordinateurs dans ce processus, les composants de l'ESI sont décrits suivant une méthode de spécification formelle basée sur une approche orientée objet. Une première application au secteur du bâtiment, implantée au sein d'une plate-forme logicielle pour la génération de systèmes à base de connaissance développée au CSTB et utilisant le modèle de données intégré du bâtiment issu du projet européen COMBINE, est présentée

    Concepts et methodes pour le developpement d'environnements de simulation intelligents. Application au batiment

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    SIGLEAvailable from INIST (FR), Document Supply Service, under shelf-number : T 83042 / INIST-CNRS - Institut de l'Information Scientifique et TechniqueFRFranc

    Interoperable tools for designing energy-efficient buildings in healthcare districts

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    ISBN 9781138027107uuid:9c919eb9-2c77-403c-8505-956b296df2e4International audienceThe EU funded collaborative research project STREAMER aims on Energy-efficient Buildings (EeB), focusing on mixed-use healthcare districts. Besides innovations in EeB technology, special emphasis is laid on improving methodologies and tools used in the design process of new or retrofitted hospital buildings. STREAMER follows a model-based, holistic approach by integrating design data on both building and district level.Advanced ICT methods like Semantic Web, Ontologies, Parametric Modelling or Knowledge Based Systems, will be reviewed, adapted, and improved to use them during the energy-efficient-buildings design process. The project not only aims on developing theoretical concepts, but also on practical case studies: based on already existing software, a number of interoperable software tools shall be developed and evaluated in four demonstration projects. The paper describes the system architecture and provides a functional spectrum of the design tools, focusing on interoperability issues

    The CREATE Project: Mixed Reality for Design, Education, and Cultural Heritage with a Constructivist Approach

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    Introduction The global scope of the CREATE project is to develop a mixed-reality framework that enables highly interactive real-time construction and manipulation of photo-realistic, virtual worlds based on real data sources. This framework will be tested and applied to cultural heritage content in an educational context, as well as to the design and review of architectural/urban planning settings. The evaluation of the project is based on a human-centered, constructivist approach to working and learning, with special attention paid to the evaluation of the resulting mixed reality experience. Through this approach, participants in an activity "construct" their own knowledge by testing ideas and concepts based on their prior knowledge and experience, applying these to a new situation, and integrating the new knowledge gained with pre-existing intellectual constructs. Compared to previous research and design in virtual worlds, the CREATE project uses a high degree of interactivity, a

    Couplages interzones

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    Available at INIST (FR), Document Supply Service, under shelf-number : RP 400 (1642) / INIST-CNRS - Institut de l'Information Scientifique et TechniqueSIGLEFRFranc